Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is Vector Marketing a Scam?

Is Vector Marketing a Scam?
I've read through many of these comments, both for and against Vector Marketing being a scam. After looking through all of it, I came to a simple conclusion. This debate is entirely based on opinions formed through experience. Most of the people who say it is not a scam work for Vector and have found success for themselves. I am honestly glad for these people because simple success can be hard to come by. On the other hand, the people who say that Vector is a scam are mainly in one of two groups. The first group consists of people who tried Vector Marketing and found absolutely no success. When these people tried the program that promised a flexible schedule and easy money, but didn't manage to get all of that success that was promised, they went out and told the world that Vector was terrible. The second group consists of those that were offered a job at Vector, but researched it a bit first. They found all of the negative feedback online or had friends/family who had had a negative experience at Vector, then instantly dropped into the assumption that Vector was a scam. I respect this viewpoint as well. However, it's made me see that the Vector Marketing "Scam" is simply a battle between the people who found success and those who didn't. Not everybody finds their success with Vector Marketing. For those that do, that's GREAT! I hope that you build off of your success and continue to have a wonderful life. For those that don't agree with that and say that Vector is a scam, then that is your decision. If you didn't find success with Vector, then I sincerely hope that you do find it somewhere else.
In fact, after looking through all of these debates, I decided to try Vector Marketing for myself. I'll just go ahead and point out the main things that I discovered.
1) No matter what you used to have to do, Vector Marketing does not charge you for the training sessions or for the sample kit. In fact, the sample kit is loaned to the representative with the option of a purchase at a discounted price if they wish to do so.
2) The offices are generally set up in a very positive and friendly atmosphere. I find myself having alot of fun at the meetings. I've made many friends at the office and it's made the job a bit easier in terms of stress.
3) The schedule is flexible and you are guaranteed a base pay even if you don't manage to make any sales. Plus, the manual that they give you during training lays out the entire presentation so that you don't have to be a great salesman in order to sell the product.
4) The product itself is GREAT. I love Cutco. The tools themselves are amazing in their own respect, but the guarantees that come with them just make them worth so much more than they cost.

1) Yes, you do have to go out and sell, starting mainly with friends and family.
2) The product is expensive, so many people out there might cringe at the prices when you explain them.
3) You are expected to make a daily update call into the office every weekday morning (M-F) with your manager.
4) Not everyone finds success and it's easy to fall through and get almost nothing from the company.
5) Many people out there who view Vector as a scam will jump on new representatives, putting ideas into their head, which eventually cause them to quit. This can be a taxing and stressful thing to go through.

Basically, just like any other job out there, Vector Marketing has its ups and downs. Some people can find success, but others don't. However, many people that didn't find success write it off as a scam and try to discourage everyone else from even attempting it.
As my final verdict, I have to say that Vector is not a scam. Keep in mind that I have been working for about a month and a half, but I didn't make a ton of money. I'm not instantly rich, but I do get a decent paycheck each week that is admittedly better than one from flipping burgers at McDonald's. My best advice to anyone that is debating over the scam vs not a scam is to just try the company for yourself. It's a simple, part time job that may or may not work for you. Success doesn't always happen for the representatives, but it is by no means a scam

from - http://www.squidoo.com/VectorMarketing

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